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Are Silicones Right for Your Hair?

Some but not all hair care products contain silicones. Learn what silicones do for hair and which type of hair responds well to them

Silicones are often hailed as hair care miracle. Do you know why silicones are added to some shampoos or hair treatments? Find out whether your hair products contain silicones and whether silicones are suitable for your hair.

Hair Types Improved by Silicone Containing Hair Care Products

Silicone containing hair care products improve unhealthy looking, dull, brittle, damaged hair with split ends. Hair repair treatments, rinses and two-in-one shampoos often contain silicone because it repairs damaged hair and improves the hair structure. Some styling products also contain silicone.

Coating the hair with silicone restores luster and the supple nature of hair. Hair can be easily combed after silicone treatment. The fine silicone coating around each hair accounts for this improvement in texture and looks. Once again, the hair cuticles smoothly hug the hair shaft leaving the hair smooth and silky. The increased light reflection by the repaired smooth hair cuticles accounts for the increased luster.

Silicones can be designed to serve desired purposes. They come in the form of long chains, rings, or crosslinked units. Some silicones dissolve in water while others don’t. They are offered in liquid or volatile form or as creamy substance. The properties of silicones can be tailor-made for specific purposes.

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